All About Perspective: Divorce for Men

Alimony. It’s a term many men are scared to hear and consider when it comes to divorce proceedings. It can be uncomfortable and worrisome to discuss it and even more so to hear about what it’ll cost, but it’s an obstacle that can’t be ignored no matter how hard you try, so the more you know about it, the better off you’ll be.

In Texas, financial support for a spouse can come in two forms. Traditionally, a man would need to pay temporary support for his spouse if she couldn’t afford her own living expenses. This is a pretty common outcome when the couple divorcing has the husband earning most of the money, such as situation where the wife was a stay at home mom. Of course, in some cases the wife may pay financial support for the husband, but only if the situation were reversed.

The second form is what is commonly referred to as alimony. For the spouse to receive this alimony, they must qualify for it as per Texas Family Code regulations. Regardless of which situation you find yourself in, always ensure that you get a fair shot at things by having a reliable attorney. Though it is not always the case, alimony decisions can often be unfairly biased against the male spouse, so it’s best to have someone with legal knowledge on your side for the dispute.

Another concern you may have as a divorcing husband maybe in regards to your children. As far as child custody is concerned, the mother is often favored over the father, likely because she usually operates as the caretaker for them, though we certainly know that is not always the case, nor should it be grounds for ceding custody to them without deliberate consideration. Of course, though court bias on this matter has definitely influenced many decisions over the years, it is not as though all judges simply cede child custody to the mother without due thought and consideration. Many judges will make a fair decision based on both spouses, rather than a stereotype. Of course, as a father, your chances of maintaining primary custody of your children is largely dependent on how much time you spend with them, as well as the quality of those experiences. Some judges may be fairer than others, but there is still a deeply ingrained societal notion that mothers are better caretakers than the fathers, so you’ll have to offset that with proof of how equal the roles can really be.

If anything will make the entire process far easier for you, it’s having a good attorney. Even if you and your spouse have seemingly come to terms with all important decisions regarding the divorce, you never know when thoughts, desires, or vices may change. Having a good attorney on your side guarantees that you have the legal support and know how to achieve your goals in terms of child custody, property division, assets, debts, retirement, and other point of contention.

Of course, if divorces were simple and easy you wouldn’t need an attorney. But they rarely are, and complications always seem to arise. Contested or collaborative divorces are frustrating and often take months to resolve. While the hassle may not be reduced, an excellent attorney can ensure that you come out of such situations with the most favorable results possible. They can also make use of your unique or extenuating circumstances, should you have any, as they attempt to argue positions in your favor with the judge. Long story short, having the legal support of a good attorney will save you a lot of trouble in divorce proceedings.